My Site Is Finally Active!

Published on Wednesday, May 6th, 2020 06:51:47 AM

My Site Is Finally Active!

Published on Wednesday, May 6th, 2020 06:51:47 AM

The Drunk Book Bard is officially live!!! Finally!

It's been a hell of a long wait but I finally own my domain name and I finally enabled the blogging feature on this website so now me and my co-blogger friend Beth can start posting things! This is my official "Welcome to my book blogging site" post and it's my tester post to make sure everything works and all the buttons that are clickable do what they are supposed to do. I'm gonna be posting from my Facebook group The Book Bard, sharing my episodes from The ED POETS Society Podcast and its companion fan page from Facebook. I want to marry all of my bookish endeavors here on this website and eventually just use this platform to post everything in the future so I could get rid of my other sites, pages and groups and make this my one and only site, it's hard trying to juggle so many social media sites and I just don't have as much free time as I used to so we'll see how this goes. Thank you for coming by to check out my new baby and thank you all for the constant support throughout the years of all of my projects, it hasn't gone unnoticed! Well, this Bard has a thirst something fierce and only Ale is the antidote so enjoy the website and please let me know if you come across any problems or glitches. And now I raise my flagon of ale for a toast; here's to moving forward word for word one page at a time. Huzzah!

Manny J. Perez